For those of you who may have read the last post, this is to update you on that process. I expected the information update for the website (pertaining to the order of the books-- Kings or Pawns, (the new addition of) Heroes or Thieves, (the moving to 3rd book in series of) Gods or Men, and (now book four) Princes or Paupers to just POOF--take place this weekend; but other website content took priority (back-end sort of things); so this book stuff will end up getting bumped back visually for a little bit longer (though nothing about the new order or dates has changed ;D)
Also, in the coming weeks (sometime in the next five months, I imagine), you can look forward to a the beginnings of The World page content. (Maps, description, and images!) This will take a while, I believe, to fully manifest itself in all its glory, but it will be fantastic when completed.
(Also, one last thing: while the content on the website will change to reflect the new book order, the book cover for Heroes or Thieves may take a little while to produce--probably closer to May-ish)
Keep lively, my friends! And thank you for all your support! <3
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