Hey Soplings! So I'm about to head off to Fanboy Expo so I thought I'd drop you a quick update on where Gods or Men (The Kings: Book III) and Princes or Paupers (The Kings: Book IV) stand!
Ok, so this last month I've been working hard on the outlines. As you've seen from previous updates, Gods or Men was in the process of being outlined. Well, that outline is basically done, but before I get to writing it, I wanted to also take time to outline the fourth book to ensure that the final flow of events is wrapped up and perfect. This means a small delay (by 3-4 weeks) on starting writing Gods or Men, but should mean that the books actually come out closer together (and possibly a lot faster).
More time on the outlines means less time on revisions.
Generally, when I sit down to write, I get the book written in 3 months and spend about 1-2 months at the end editing. Which means all of that inbetween time is spent making revisions. The scrutinity that these outlines are enduring is aimed at cutting that middle time between draft and editing down big time (as both KoP and HoT spent a long time in this middle phase where issues could have been avoided had I been more critical of the outline).
So, in short: all good news!
But what about some details?
Well, GoM remains very close to the previous prediction (minor changes have been made due to the PoP outline). You can read about it HERE.
As for PoP, this book is predicted to jump back to the KoP size--about 350-400 pages or so. I'll update you when this outline is final for all the juicy details!
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