Hey Soplings and Powerlings! Today is a very special art reveal! If you have not yet read Heroes or Thieves, take a quick peak at the art and then move on! (BIG SPOILER IN THIS POST)

For those of you who have read Heroes or Thieves: welcome Hadoream! She is one of the primary PoVs in Gods or Men! This is the True Blood royal who is causing problems for Saebellus. In Gods or Men, you’ll get to meet her, her bodyguard (Yinsara), and Itirel returns in her company! (If you remember, we last left Itirel with the news that Hadoream had arrived on Sevrigel!)
Three fun facts:
+ She wishes she could be a mercenary, traveling across Ryekarayn to help people in need, free of charge
+ Darcarus once dared her to stick a bead up her nose. She had to go to a healer after it got stuck
+ She loves animals, especially bugs. She has placed more than one in Sairel’s vicinity just to hear him yelp