Hey Soplings and Powerlings!
Welcome new readers and welcome back the old blood! I am sorry I didn’t get a chance to see any of you myself at Gen Con! A week before the con I got super sick—I ended up with bronchitis and pneumonia! The first fabulous doctor I saw (#sarcasm) sent me home with no idea what it was. The second, a few days later, got me packed with meds and on my way to recovery!
I loved getting to see you all at Cincinnati Comic Expo! <3 I’m so excited to share the latest art and updates on the upcoming third book! I know we don’t usually sell any of the series merchandise outside of the convention, but since the merchandise was only available at two conventions this year, I’ll go ahead and make some posts here and there on social media for the next few weeks for an opportunity to get stuff you missed! (I only have one Assassin blanket and it's reserved until the end of the month, but I still have coasters, art prints, and a few of the Collector Jerah Gods or Men PoV!)

As always, I love geeking out with you guys, so if you have any questions or emotions you want to share, I'm always one social media post away! <3 I can't wait to see you all next year! If you have any convention requests, let me know! As of right now, we are looking at New York City Comic Con, Cincinnati Comic Expo, Gen Con, Phoenix Comic Con, Wizard World Chicago, and Tampa Bay Comic Con! <3 I know I have a lot of fabulous fans in Kentucky, but I'm not sure what cons (other than Fanboy--which I hate lol--and Fanboy--who this year moved authors out of building) are available! Shoot me some ideas!
This was our set up this year--I can't wait until next year! :D It keeps getting more and more grand!