At this time, it's more of a collection of ideas. While their current state is well-known, they have not had significant and unchangeable consideration as to their origin or history. This process usually comes into "solid world-building" as needed so as to reduce the chances of conflicting ideas/storylines/histories and to keep the world as broad and open as possible. However, with one of the primary characters being half Yislaval, chances are I'll have to give it some consideration for Gods or Men. :D
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The scene of Navon battling Saebellus' beast in Sel'ari's temple is one of the most exciting.
My favorite tidbit has to do with identities.
My favorite character is Itirel. He's the only one about which I've never thought, "What an ass!" or "What an idiot!"
Bonus answer: Character I would most love to strangle, Book one -Ilsevel. Book Two - Jikun