Can't wait to see this artist's interpretation of Itirel in future bookmarks. Hint hint. Jikun is an ass, but J has made him one beautiful elf. Alvena is gorgeous as well. My granddaughter likes the Evrae bookmarks best, and says Eldaeus has the most awesome hair ever.
There we go--clarified the artists at the top--J did the layout design, but the illustrations are by Kirk and Upied. Kirk does the BREATH-TAKING landscapes and emotion provoking images-- aka, Kings or Pawns, Gods or Men, and Princes or Paupers.
Upied does the characters- Jikun and Alvena included! I do want an Itirel done in the future--and a Sellemar. I think Ilsevel is next on the list, though--cuz, well, you gotta have the queen drawn.
As for Evrae, he's the exception--he's actually drawn by a Chinese artist who I selected because I needed Evrae to be as handsome as he was beautiful so that I would get just as many "he is beautifuls" as "she is beautifuls"--which I do and that's awesome. All part of his subterfuge and ability to go undercover as a woman when needed (which he hates, but is damn good at).
And your granddaughter has it right. His hair is SO the best! XD
These look SOOOO good! I can't wait to get my greedy paws on them. Gorgeous covers and mock-ups. Great work by all. Now, JJ, you just have to fill them with your words...the best part!
As you can tell by my lack of spelling there I'm at work... meant to be working... this is what happens when you run a competition on the other side of the world :p
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